June LoRE Art-intervention #2
August LoRE Art-intervention #3
22 Oct Panel discussion (Moderator: Ebba de Faire)
22 Oct LoRE Vernissage party
22 Oct- 12 Nov LoRE Exhibition
12 Nov LoRE Book-release and summon up
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28 April LAUNCH OF RE goes irl/ Press release
Invigning av LAUNCH OF RE- äger rum 28 april klockan 15.30- 19.30 i Konsthörnan på Svetsarvägen 10 i Solna Business Park. Då väntas presentation av konsten, paneldebatt och tilltugg. Karen Froede hälsar att man gärna får ta med en påse transparenta PET-flaskor med lock i stället för blommor. Flaskorna kommer först att ingå i ett immersivt konstverk för att sedan pantas till välgörenhet.

If we succeed in filling up the corner with transparent PET-bottles, with caps!, by October the big bottle-dive will become reality. Welcome to participate!
28 April “and free we are” Photographies by Karen Froede
What choice do we have but to squeeze ourselves into a cube having our naked portrait being taken and mounted onto a board- fully integrated and inseparable with the symbolic matter of mass consumption- namely plastic? What choice do we have but letting our soul get caught imprinted in plastic for, what a fast moving world would call, an eternity. “and free they are” is framing the chimera of western neoliberalism. An independence within monetary limits.
28 April The RE:STORE
April 28´th until September 15´th.
On 28 of April the RE:STORE will be opened and will then be open every Wednesday from 16.30-19.30. Stop by and leave all the plastic your household has consumed and you will get a nice cup of coffee. Please wash up and let the plastic dry before you leave it. The address is: Smidesvägen 7 i Solna Business Park. Read more: Become a plastic donor